Latejami Self-Study Course

Lesson 9

Required reading:

Before starting this lesson, you should re-read Chapter 12 of the reference manual.

New Classifiers:

  -jag	all groups/organizations (parliament, republic, platoon,
	  bureaucracy, army, kingdom, political party, senate,
	  theocracy, government, jury, corporation, faculty, commune,
	  partnership, sorority, business, cartel, construction
	  company, union, law firm, restaurant chain, club, choir,
	  circle, clan, community, congregation, sect, team/crew,
	  department, organization, parish, gang, caste, brotherhood)
  -dog	exchange and transfer verbs, default = AP/F-d (buy/sell,
	  borrow/lend, swap/exchange, invest in, donate, export/import,
	  confiscate/commandeer, steal)
  -cem	opposite of exchange and transfer verbs, default = AP/F-d
	  (buy/sell, borrow/lend, swap/exchange, invest in, donate,
	  export/import, confiscate/commandeer, steal)

	  [Convention: "-dog" is used when the agent gains possession of
	  the focus, and "-cem" is used when the agent loses possession
	  of the focus.]

New Suffix:

  -es	passive

New Vocabulary:

#V	doga	- exchange, swap, trade, switch, interchange
#V	jadoga	- buy, purchase
#V	jacema	- sell, vend
#V	cacema	- donate, contribute, bestow, give for a benevolent reason
#V	xondoga	- steal, purloin, make off with, pilfer, filch, rob

#V	jagi	- company, firm, concern, business (establishment)
#V	buzejagi - union, labor union, trade union
#V	dajagi	- airline (company), air service
#V	kobayjagi - faculty, teaching staff
#V	xonjagi - black market, gray market

#V	jabegi	- businessman, businesswoman, entrepreneur, man or
			woman of business
#V	jafimi	- money, funds, capital
#V	jakwacema - pay, spend, expend, disburse, remit
#V	jakigi	- bank [financial institution]
#V	jakibegi - banker, moneylender
#V	jaculo	- expensive, costly, high-priced, dear
#V	jadelo	- inexpensive, low-cost, cheap, frugal
#V	jabaykopyu - generous with, selfless, munificent, magnanimous,
#V	jakemo	- wealthy, rich, affluent, moneyed, well-to-do,
#V	jafomo	- poor, poverty-stricken, needy
#V	jatovi	- dollar [unit of currency]

#V	xenkopyu - grateful for, thankful, or obliged for/that, feel
			gratitude for/that
#V	xentega	- thank, express gratitude, give or offer thanks

#V	kokumo	- nine

#V	tomime	- to/from/with, secondary agent-patient in
			exchange/swap verbs
#V	tomege	- for, secondary focus in exchange/swap verbs

#V	fotomay	- slightly, a little, not too, a bit, to a small or low
		[Note that "fotomay" is a previous-word modifier.]


1. In the required reading for Lesson 1, we learned about grammatical voice changes. In this lesson, we'll practice with the passive voice. The suffix for the passive voice is "-es". Here are some examples:

#l	Doykavapesa kifigi.
#e	The window was opened.

#l	Tamenu dasu kobaycalinzesa Latejami?
#e	Is Latejami being taught?

#l	Jutamu tegesa bavi zoga xevi dakigi.
#e	I wasn't told that you were at the airport.

#l	Kotegesa bavi dasu kokema lukidami.
#e	It was explained to me that owls are wise.

Note the use of "it" in the last example. "Explain" is one of several English verbs that cannot be passivized in the normal way. A sentence like "*I was explained to that owls are wise" does not sound natural.

2. So far, we have not learned Latejami equivalents to the English pronouns "he/him", "she/her", "it", and "they/them". The reason for this is that they're almost always used to refer to something already mentioned in the conversation, while pronouns like "I" and "you" refer to people who are taking part in the conversation. Words that refer to other words are called "anaphora".

In Latejami, an anaphor of a word is created by using the first modifier of the root of the headword of the expression it refers to plus "h" plus an appropriate part-of-speech vowel. For example, "joyhi" is the anaphor for "joybegi" and "lijoybegi" (remember, "li-" is a prefix; it is not part of the root). However, "joyhi" is not an anaphor for "kejoykigi" because the first modifier morpheme of the root is "ke". The correct anaphor for "kejoykigi" is "kehi".

If the root consists of only a classifier, then the final consonant of the classifier is not included. For example, the anaphor of the word "kigi" is "kihi", not "kighi".

In this lesson, we will practice only with noun anaphora. Thus, all of them will end in "-hi". Here are some examples:

#l	Dasu cakopa xevi xetimi bamo kuntesye jutamu ximunza bavi xehi.
#e	You want my bicycle but I don't have it.

#l	Kiva bavi libyedami tesye dacala byehi.
#e	I saw the birds and they flew.

#l	Dasu zoykopa bavi kobaybegi tomame dasu cakema kohi.
#e	I like the teacher because he's good.

#l	Tega Laryabegi bavi cakopa ryahi bofupi bamo.
#e	Mary told me that she wanted my soup.

In the last example, note that "rya" was used instead of "la" because "la" is a prefix, not a root morpheme.

3. Use the secondary agent-patient case tag "tomime" to indicate the non-subject donor or recipient in most transfer verbs (classifiers "dog" and "cem"):

#l	Jadoga bavi fimi tomime Lajonbegi.
#e	I bought the book from John.

#l	Jacema bavi fimi tomime Lajonbegi.
#e	I sold the book to John.

Note that the translation of "tomime" depends on whether its argument is the donor or the recipient.

However, "tomime" can not be used with the verb "xondoga", meaning 'to steal', because the victim of the theft is not a willing participant. In this case, we must use the A/P/F-d form of the verb, "xondogamba":

#l	Xondogamba xevi bavi xetimi.
#e	You stole the bicycle from me.

Note that the word order of the patient and focus is the reverse of the English order. Literally, it is "*you stole me the bicycle".

Drills (on tape):

#E	Nothing will be remembered.
#L	Jevu cikopesa jutomi.

#E	The second washing machine was very expensive.
#L	Jacula ketomay bobisi xebyekumo.

#E	Why is your parrot keeping itself wet?
#L	Dasu bokemisa tedami xemo tomamene?

#E	I know that you stole the money in the train.
#L	Dasu kopa bavi xondoga xevi jafimi zizoge kuzetimi.

#E	The airline is only three months old.
#L	Dasu zonculunza dajagi ketovi dikumo coytomay tomo.

#E	The bus was slightly cold and it had no windows.
#L	Fedela fotomay zetimi tesye ximunza zehi kifigi jukumo tomo.

#E	The adults thanked the children for making the fire.
#L	Xentega likebegi lifobegi kavapiva fepi.

#E	I should have sold the old television to the engineer.
#L	Kedovu jacema bavi kifabisi zonculo tomime kwibegi.

#E	The license plates of the firetruck in the parking lot were stolen.
#L	Xondogesa litifimi ximyu fefawtimi zogyu zontizegi.

#E	I didn't like the expensive chairs because they were small.
#L	Jutamu zoykopa bavi lijisi jaculo tomame foma jihi.

#E	The banker will buy something from the merchant later.
#L	Jadoga jakibegi tomi tomime fojabegi dipe.

#E	Was it known that the ceiling was weak?
#L	Tamenu kopesa xofoma dafigi?

#E	I'm imagining many good days for my company.
#L	Dasu junkopa bavi tovi cakemo kekumo tomo tomume jagi bamo.

#E	Those unfriendly students stole the encyclopedia from the library.
#L	Xondogamba likokwabegi zoyfomo zaso kufikigi bikofimi.

	[Note the word order: "kufikigi" = 'library' precedes "bikofimi"
	= 'encyclopedia'.  Note also that there is no Latejami
	equivalent to the English word "from".]

#E	A wealthy painter donated a lot of money to the labor union.
#L	Cacema zinbegi jakemo tomo jafimi kekumo tomo tomime buzejagi.

#E	We exchanged the broken radios for two in working order.
#L	Doga tayvi lifoyfabisi joyjuvo tomege xekumi joykavo tomo.

#E	The firemen are grateful that the water in the canal was high today.
#L	Dasu xenkopa lifefawbegi dacula bocivi zizogyu boxuzegi bape-tovay.

#E	The author bought a big yellow stove there.
#L	Jadoga fibegi fufebisi fezigo kemo tomo zale.

#E	Does the teacher live here because he wants to live near the marketplace?
#L	Tamenu dasu kwicala kobaybegi bale tomame dasu cakopa kohi kwicaliva fofage dadoykigi?

#E	The fence along the road was broken earlier.
#L	Joyjuvapesa zefigi zezogyu zegi xepe.

#E	Why didn't you give the seven poor people the food?
#L	Jutamu ximamba xevi begi jafomo taykumo fupi tomamene?

#E	The businessman paid only nine dollars for the antique.
#L	Jakwacema jabegi jatovi kokumo coytomay tomo tomege zonfimi.

#E	You were generous with your colorful paintings yesterday.
#L	Jabaykopa xevi lizinfimi kuzigo xemo xepe-tovay.

#E	The scientist is carrying a blue telephone to the swimming pool.
#L	Dasu tibusa kabegi tebisi dazigo tomo zogumbe bocazegi.

#E	I bought the owl in a real black market behind the skyscraper.
#L	Jadoga bavi kidami zoge xonjagi kavo tomo jefage bijikigi.

#E	The hallway between the kitchen and the dining room is four meters long.
#L	Dasu zeculunza zedepi xuzogyu fedepi tesye fudepi zetovi cokumo tomo.

#E	The bank will have a low ceiling because it'll be inexpensive.
#L	Jevu ximunza jakigi dafigi dadelo tomo tomame jevu jadela dahi.

#E	John will paint the train station's floor tomorrow.
#L	Zincalapa Lajonbegi cufigi ximyu kuzekigi dipe-tovay.

#E	The faculty was given the dictionary and a few textbooks.
#L	Ximambesa kobayjagi kutefimi tesye kofimi fokumo tomo.

End of Lesson 9